LATIN AMERICAN UPDATE – Outbound Investments Into Latin America – A pan-American overview for Chinese investors
This contribution is based on the Guide first published by China Law & Practice, in association with International Financial Law Review, Hong Kong, 2011.[/stextbox]
- Latin American markets have put in a stellar performance in recent years and present ever-growing business opportunities to Chinese investors, as China becomes increasingly active and influential in the region.
- Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela , as with all the other Latin American jurisdictions and mainland China, have a continental legal system. Furthermore, if their legal systems are taken at face value, it becomes apparent that laws seem to be virtually copied from one country to another, a feature that probably stems from their common Spanish legal heritage.
- Nevertheless, the way of applying and enforcing these regulations in the different Latam Countries varies greatly.
- This guide provides a bird’s-eye view of the legal framework for investment in Latin America, as well as a comparison among the opportunities and pitfalls arising from the legal systems of the main economies of the region that become relevant when considering a transaction from China.