Regulatory Matters

CHINESE UPDATE – Chinese Antitrust Regulators Vow to Increase Transparency

Highlights:  China’s two governmental regulators for anti-monopoly conducts in China announced that they will increase the transparency of their enforcement actions under the Anti-Monopoly Laws. One head of SAIC discussed its future goals: (1) to investigate those typical antitrust cases having serious impact on market competition; (2) to investigate monopoly conducts of public utility enterprises … Continued

Editors’ Note:  Susan Ning, a member of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable, contributed this paper.  Ms. Ning heads King & Wood Mallesons’ International Trade and Antitrust and Competition Group and is widely recognized as one of the leading experts in the field, with many years of experience working with MOFCOM to secure merger clearance.


SINGAPOREAN UPDATE – Competition Commission of Singapore Amends Merger Guidelines

Highlights: The Competition Commission of Singapore (“CCS”) has published its revised Guidelines on Merger Procedures 2012 and they came into effect on 1 July 2012. The changes provide further guidance to parties on determining whether a merger is likely to result in a substantial lessening of competition. They also set out a new procedure for … Continued

Editors’ Note:   This paper was contributed by Rachel Eng, Managing Partner of WongPartnership and a member of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable.  The author is Ameera Ashraf, head of WongPartnership’s Competition & Regulatory Practice.


CHINESE UPDATE – New SASAC Rules Enacted to Consummate Outbound Investment Supervisory System for Central SOEs

Highlights: Following two important circulars regulating outbound investments made by central State-owned enterprises (SOEs) issued in the middle of 2011, SASAC issued a new circular on 18th March 2012 to provide further elaborations on certain specific requirements and to further enhance the supervision on SOEs’ outbound investments.     Among other supervisory measures lately adopted by … Continued

Editors’ Note:   Contributed by Fang He, a partner at Jun He and a member of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable.  Ms. He has broad experience in M&A, outbound investment, foreign direct investment, private equity and intellectual property.  Authored by Ms. Wei Chen and Mr. Jiahao Xie of Jun He Law Offices. Ms. Chen, a senior associate at Jun He, has more than 8 years of extensive experience practicing PRC law, specialized in M&A, overseas listing and investment and general corporate matters. Mr. Xie, an associate at Jun He, specializes in M&A and general corporate matters.


RUSSIAN UPDATE – Overview of the Key Amendments to the Russian Civil Code

Highlights On April 2, 2012, the Russian President introduced draft amendments to the Civil Code geared towards granting greater freedom in determining the management structure for private companies, execution of shareholders’ agreements, and changing the form of incorporation of legal entities. Rules intended to prevent abuse in corporate and ancillary relations will be introduced. New … Continued

Editors’ Note:  This paper was co-authored by Dmitry Stepanov and Daria Izotova of Corporate and M&A Practice at Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners.  Mr. Stepanov is actively involved in the improvement of Russian laws and has extensive hands-on experience in corporate law, securities, restructuring and corporate finances, M&A, bankruptcy and arbitration. Most recently Mr. Stepanov was engaged by the Russian Government into fundamental reform of the Russian Civil Code as a co-founder of the Non-Profit Partnership for Advancement of Corporate Law and principal member of the Presidential task force to create an international financial centre in Moscow.


UK UPDATE – UK Government Confirms Creation of Single UK Competition Authority: Merged Authority to Retain Voluntary Merger Regime

Executive summary: The U.K .government confirms the anticipated merger of the Competition Commission and the competition functions of the OFT into a single Competition and Markets Authority (“CMA”) to be effective by April 2014.  The U.K. government has decided to retain the current voluntary regime of merger notifications, albeit with a tightening of administrative measures. … Continued

Editors’ Note:  Contributed by Nigel Boardman, a partner at Slaughter and May and a founding director of XBMA.  Mr. Boardman is one of the leading M&A lawyers in the UK with broad experience in a wide range of cross-border transactions.


SWEDISH UPDATE – Proposed Revised Swedish Takeover Rules

Highlights: A review of the Swedish Takeover Rules has resulted in a proposal to amend and update the Rules in a number of respects including, deal protection, top ups, and the put up or shut up regime. The revision has also resulted in the codification of a number of Securities Council statements including disclosure of … Continued

Editors’ Note: This paper was contributed by Biörn Riese, Chairman of the Board of Mannheimer Swartling and member of XBMA´s Legal Roundtable.  It was authored by Thomas Wallinder and Patrik Marcelius, partners at Mannheimer Swartling.  Messrs. Wallinder and Marcelius both specialise in Corporate law, with a particular emphasis on corporate finance, takeovers and mergers & acquisitions.


SINGAPOREAN UPDATE – Proposed Changes to Singapore’s Guidelines for Merger Control

Highlights: Changes have been proposed to the Competition Commission of Singapore’s Guidelines on Merger Procedures. The changes give parties greater guidance on the self-assessment of mergers, obtaining a confidential opinion, and the treatment of confidential information. MAIN ARTICLE On 20 February 2012, the Competition Commission of Singapore (“CCS”) issued a consultation paper (“Consultation Paper”) proposing … Continued

Editors’ Note:   This paper was contributed by Rachel Eng, Managing Partner of WongPartnership and a member of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable.  Ms. Eng is a leading expert in both domestic and cross-border M&A in Singapore and other jurisdictions in Southeast Asia.  The author is Ameera Ashraf, head of WongPartnership’s Competition & Regulatory Practice.


UAE UPDATE – Merger of Two Public Joint Stock Companies

Highlights:  This article looks at the legal processes involved in amalgamating (merging) two public joint stock companies listed on either of the main stock exchanges in the UAE. The Companies Law provides that an amalgamation can be implemented either by an “acquisition” or by a “merger”. One of the two main stock exchanges, the ADX, … Continued

Editors’ Note:  This paper was contributed by Sameer Huda, a partner at Hadef & Partners and a member of the XBMA Legal Roundtable.  A leader in M&A, private equity and restructuring, Sameer heads the corporate, M&A and private equity teams of Hadef & Partners in Dubai.


ITALIAN UPDATE – Italian Stock Exchange Commission Enforces Tender Offer Rules

Highlights For the first time, the Italian Stock Exchange Commission applied a law of 2007 that enables it to order the launch of a tender offer, or impose a fine, for breach or circumvention of the mandatory tender offer rules. Previously the sanctions, which proved ineffective, consisted of a fine, the freezing of voting rights, … Continued

Editors’ Note:  Alberto Saravalle is Managing Partner of Bonelli Erede Pappalardo and a member of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable.  Professor Saravalle is one of Italy’s leading practitioners in corporate law, capital markets, and M&A.



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