
CHINESE UPDATE – Recent Changes to PRC Corporation Legislation


  • On 28 February 2014, the State Council of the PRC issued Decision Regarding Revocation of and Amendments to Certain Administrative Regulations (国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定) (“Decision”) which came into force on 1 March 2014.
  • The effect of the Decision has been to change the previous paid-up registered capital system for companies incorporated in China (including foreign investment enterprises) to a subscription-based capital system.
  • For foreign investors in China, the new system will mean that they now have more flexibility in determining the capital structure of their investments in China.
  • Among other things, the Decision has also removed the requirement for the annual examination of all PRC companies, replacing it with an annual report public inspection system.

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On 28 February 2014, the State Council of the PRC issued Decision Regarding Revocation of and Amendments to Certain Administrative Regulations (国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定) (“Decision”) which came into force on 1 March 2014.

The Decision revoked the following two regulations:

  • Several Regulations Regarding Capital Contributions by Shareholders of Sino-foreign Equity Joint Ventures (中外合资经营企业合营各方出资的若干规定); and
  • Supplemental Rules to Several Regulations Regarding Capital Contributions by Shareholders of Sino-foreign Equity Joint Venture (中外合资经营企业合营各方出资的若干规定〉的补充规定).

It also amended the following eight regulations:

  • Company Registration Administration Rules (公司登记管理条例);
  • Enterprise Legal Person Registration Administration Rules (企业法人登记管理条例);
  • Detailed Regulations for Sino-foreign Equity Joint Ventures (中外合资经营企业法实施条例);
  • Detailed Regulations for Sino-foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures (中外合作经营企业法实施细则);
  • Detailed Regulations for Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (外资企业法实施细则);
  • Registration Administration Rules for Partnership Enterprises (合伙企业登记管理办法);
  • Regulations for Sole Proprietorship (个体工商户条例); and
  • Registration Administration Rules for Farmer Special Cooperative Societies (农民专业合作社登记管理条例).

The combined effect of the above revocation and amendments on companies incorporated in China, including foreign investment enterprises (“FIE”), is summarised below.

Changes to Companies’ Capital Systems

Subscription-based capital system The paid-up registered capital system has been changed to a subscription-based capital system.  The major changes in respect of this are as follows:

  • A company’s paid up capital will no longer be registered.
  • The incorporation of a company will no longer be subject to submission of a capital verification report.
  • A company is no longer required to have a minimum registered capital (i.e., in theory, RMB1 is sufficient to incorporate a company).
  • The shareholders are not required to contribute a minimum percentage of cash capital, which used to be 30% of the total registered capital.
  • The old regulation which capped capital contributions of intellectual property rights and other intangible assets to a maximum of 70% will not apply any more.  In theory, shareholders may now contribute 100% of the registered capital by intellectual property rights and other intangible assets.
  • The old regulation which provided that a minimum of 15% of the registered capital had to be contributed within 90 days of the issuance of business license has been removed.  However, based on our recent enquiry with the Shanghai State Administration for Industry and Commerce on 13 March 2014, the detailed regulations and rules for removal of this requirement have yet to be issued by the head office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (“SAIC”).  As a result, this 15% within 90 days rule still applies in Shanghai.
investors have greater flexibility
Due to the above changes and amendments, foreign investors in China now have more flexibility in determining the capital structure of their investments in China.  The terms regarding total investment, registered capital, subscribed amounts of capital, the mechanism of contribution, contribution timeline, shareholding transfer mechanism, etc. can be commercially agreed by and among the investors and set out in the articles of association of the FIE.  One point that should be noted is that the requirement as to the leverage ratio between the total investment and registered capital of an FIE still applies.

Other Changes to the Company Law Rules

Annual examination requirement removed The amendments have also removed the requirement for the annual examination of all PRC companies, replacing it with an annual report public inspection system.  All PRC companies are required to file an annual report of the immediately preceding year between 1 January and 30 June to their respective registration authorities.  The report will be made publicly available for inspection online by the general public.  The detailed requirements and rules for such filings are still under development by the State Council.
Electronic searches and licences Finally, the Decision also makes the following administrative changes:

  • An online corporate search system operated by the SAIC is now available for searches on certain basic information of companies incorporated in China.
  • An electronic version of the business license will issued which will be as equally valid as the paper business license.  The SAIC head office is still working on the details.