
POLISH UPDATE – M&A in Poland: Eastern Gateway to the European Union

Executive Summary: Poland’s developing economy and entrepreneurial society with investor-friendly government policies create many interesting M&A opportunities.  There is a wide variety of companies which are directly or indirectly controlled by the state, or part of global corporations as well as small and medium firms owned by local or European entrepreneurs.  Except for privatisations, which are regulated separately and entail such requirements as concluding agreements guaranteeing employment to workers, M&A transactions generally follow accepted world standards.  Due diligences carried out on companies that have been in existence in Poland for more than 25 years, or have operated before the fall of the Iron Curtain, require an assessment of the risks associated with the change of the system.  The article below is a brief description of specific legal requirements and the typical procedure in a Polish M&A transaction.

Main Article:

M&A in Poland: Eastern Gateway to the European Union