M&A (General)

GLOBAL STATISTICAL UPDATE – XBMA Quarterly Review for Second Quarter 2020

Executive Summary/Highlights Global M&A activity in Q2 2020 dropped to its lowest quarterly levels in more than a decade, as corporate dealmakers paused to weigh the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the responses of governments, businesses and consumers across the world, and many companies devoted all available resources to existence-preserving activities and not growth … Continued

Editors' Note: The XBMA Review is published on a quarterly basis in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of trends and developments. In order to facilitate meaningful comparisons, the XBMA Review has utilized generally consistent metrics and sources of data since inception. We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving the XBMA Review or for interpreting the data.


GLOBAL STATISTICAL UPDATE – XBMA Quarterly Review for First Quarter 2020

Executive Summary/Highlights Global M&A volume was just US$730 billion in Q1 2020, a decrease of approximately 30% from Q4 2019 (US$1 trillion), approximately 25% from Q1 2019 (US$982 billion) and the lowest first-quarter global M&A volume since 2014 (US$657 billion). The decline in M&A volume relative to prior quarters was particularly pronounced in the United … Continued

Editors' Note: The XBMA Review is published on a quarterly basis in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of trends and developments. In order to facilitate meaningful comparisons, the XBMA Review has utilized generally consistent metrics and sources of data since inception. We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving the XBMA Review or for interpreting the data.


FRENCH UPDATE: Revised Key Topics for Boards of Directors and Senior Management in Relation to the COVID-19 Crisis

This is a revised summary version of our initial client memos regarding the crisis. In his speech on March 16, President Macron stated, “we are at war,” six times.  Since then, businesses continue to assimilate and react to the radical changes that have occurred over the last weeks.  The government and various regulators, including the … Continued

The Coming Impact of ESG

The Coming Impact of ESG Recent months have seen institutional investors and other stakeholders, notably BlackRock and State Street, stressing the importance of comparable and decision-useful ESG disclosures by their portfolio companies.  Such calls follow in the wake of growing interest among investors and other stakeholders in understanding and assessing the performance of companies based … Continued

CANADIAN UPDATE – Top Competition and Foreign Investment Review Trends and Issues for 2020

*This article was originally distributed on January 21, 2020 In our annual forecast of the year ahead for Canadian competition and foreign investment review law, we evaluate how developments in 2019 will influence these areas of the law in 2020. We discuss below the main issues and trends to watch for this year. Continued Focus … Continued

Editors’ Note: This article was co-authored by John Bodrug, Anita Banicevic and Jim Dinning, partners at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP (Toronto).


U.S. UPDATE – 2020 Checklist for Successful Acquisitions in the United States

Cross-Border M&A – 2020 Checklist for Successful Acquisitions in the United States M&A continued its robust pace in 2019, with nearly $3.9 trillion in global deal volume for the year, the third-highest volume of the last decade.  The U.S. market was particularly strong, making up for relative weakness in Europe and Asia.  The boom was … Continued

Editors’ Note: This submission updates a checklist co-authored by Messrs. Emmerich and Panovka, members of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable, with their colleagues at Wachtell Lipton, Jodi J. Schwartz, Scott K. Charles, David A. Katz, Andrew J. Nussbaum, Ilene Knable Gotts, Mark Gordon, Joshua R. Cammaker, William Savitt, Andrea K. Wahlquist, Karessa L. Cain, T. Eiko Stange, Joshua M. Holmes, Eric M. Rosof, Gordon S. Moodie, Emil A. Kleinhaus, Edward J. Lee, Raaj S. Narayan, Amy R. Wolf and Matthew T. Carpenter.


CHINESE UPDATE – Foreign Investment in China has entered into the Fast Track – Interpretation of the New Implementing Regulations of the Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”)

On December 31, 2019, the Implementing Regulations of the Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Regulation”), an important administrative regulation facilitating the implementation of the Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China (“Foreign Investment Law”), was officially published. It came into force on January 1, 2020, together with the … Continued

Editors' Note: This article was authored by Mr. Zheng Yu, a partner at JunHe. Mr. Zheng has broad experience advising multinational companies on their business and investment projects in China, including complex foreign direct investments, cross-border M&A, dispute resolution (arbitration and litigation), corporate compliance, employment issues and tourism real estate projects in China.  Liao Yueyue (Counsel), Yu Daxing (Associate), Jia Lu (Associate) and Wang Xiao (Associate) also contributed to the article.


DUTCH UPDATE: Crystal Ball Gazing 2020

Crystal Ball Gazing 2020 2020 introduces a new decade, one which already promises to be an exciting one for the legal sector and society in general.  In this special newsletter, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek gazes into the crystal ball and highlights some of the more important trends and developments which could very well affect or … Continued

This newsletter was co-authored by Marnix Leijten (Managing Partner), Anja Mutsaers (Partner) and Dorothee van Vredenburch (Executive Partner) at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek.


ESG UPDATE – Accelerating ESG Disclosure—WEF Task Force Releases Preliminary Framework Centered on Mainstream Reporting Aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals

Accelerating ESG Disclosure— WEF Task Force Releases Preliminary Framework Centered on Mainstream Reporting Aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals Reflecting the growing push among investors, asset managers, companies and other stakeholders for a standardized ESG disclosure framework, a task force sponsored by the International Business Council (IBC) of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has released … Continued

This article was co-authored by David M. Silk, Sabastian V. Niles and Carmen X.W. Lu of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz.


SINGAPOREAN UPDATE – Key Trends for 2020

*This article was originally distributed on January 23, 2020 Dear Clients and Friends, 新年快乐! We wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous year ahead! We ring in 2020 on a more positive note than where we started 2019. In the past year, a slowdown in manufacturing has weighed on economic growth both globally and in … Continued

Editors’ Note: This article was authored by Jerry Koh (Joint Managing Partner) at Allen & Gledhill LLP.



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