Trends & Statistics

GERMAN UPDATE – Private Equity Reacting Flexibly

Highlights: The private equity business it has recovered to a constant level.  In 2012, private equity transactions related to Germany reached a total volume of approx. EUR 5.8B. Other than in the United States, volumes and conditions have not returned to their levels of before 2007, but there is development in this direction. Following 2007, … Continued

Editors’ Note: Dr. Christof Jäckle and Dr. Emanuel Strehle are members of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable and Partners at Hengeler Mueller—a leading German firm in the M&A and corporate arena. This article is co-authored by Hengeler Mueller partners Dr. Emanuel P. Strehle and Dr. Hans-Jörg Ziegenhain.


CANADIAN UPDATE – 2013 Canadian Capital Markets Report: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Executive Summary:  Capital markets in Canada have followed the trend experienced in global capital markets recently, showing mixed results. A measured level of optimism for economic rebound in some parts of the World in the last year or so was tempered by the continued European debt crises and the fears regarding the U.S. fiscal cliff. … Continued

Editors’ Note:  This article was submitted by I. Berl Nadler, a partner at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP and a leading Canadian corporate lawyer who has been involved in numerous high-profile financing transactions and acquisitions worldwide on behalf of multinational corporate clients.


GLOBAL STATISTICAL UPDATE – XBMA Quarterly Review for Second Quarter 2013

Executive Summary/Highlights: Global M&A volume in Q2 was US$498 billion, roughly the same as Q1 but down 25% from the same quarter last year. The United States had another comparatively strong quarter, accounting for  four of the five largest deals globally in the quarter and 43% of global M&A volume in the first half of … Continued

Editors’ Note: The XBMA Review is published on a quarterly basis in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of trends and developments.  In order to facilitate meaningful comparisons, the Review has utilized consistent metrics and sources of data since inception.  We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving the XBMA Review or for interpreting the data.


CHINESE UPDATE – The Chinese Economy and Key Reforms

Executive Summary:  Despite the gloomy predictions of foreign economists, the Chinese economy is not near collapse, but actually about to turn around.  The presentation explores the current state of the economy, looking at metrics suggesting the Chinese economic down turn is worse than signaled by its GDP numbers, explains economic growth cycles and suggests key … Continued

Editors’ Note:  Cai Hongbin, Professor in Economics and Dean of Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management (Ph.D Stanford, 1997), and a member of the XBMA Advisory Board, gave the following presentation at XBMA’s first Legal Roundtable Symposium at New York University on May 7, 2013.  Dean Cai is one of China’s leading economists and the founding president of The Chinese Finance Association (TCFA, overseas).  He serves on the boards of China Unicom and on the board of Sinopec Group as an outside director.


GLOBAL STATISTICAL UPDATE – XBMA Quarterly Review for First Quarter 2013

Executive Summary/Highlights: Global M&A volume in Q1 was US$546 billion, up 10% from the same quarter last year but down from last year’s strong finish in the fourth quarter. Q1 saw a number of transformative transactions across the globe, including four transactions exceeding US$15 billion in value (Berkshire Hathaway/3G Capital – Heinz, Michael Dell/Silver Lake … Continued

Editors’ Note: The XBMA Review is published on a quarterly basis in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of trends and developments.  In order to facilitate meaningful comparisons, the Review has utilized consistent metrics and sources of data since inception.  We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving the XBMA Review or for interpreting the data.


AUSTRALIAN UPDATE – State of the M&A Nation: 2013 Forecasts

Highlights: The article below presents Gilbert + Tobin’s tips and forecasts for M&A in Australia in 2013.  The key to successful M&A is simplicity and speed.  Acquiring pre-bid stakes outright up front gives bidder a strong strategic advantage.  Cash is preferable to scrip consideration.  Avoid deal structures which will attract regulatory scrutiny and lengthy approval … Continued

Editors’ Note:  This article was contributed by Danny Gilbert, co-founder and Managing Partner of Gilbert + Tobin, non-executive director of National Australia Bank, and a member of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable.  Peter Cook, recognized as one of Australia's leading Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Markets and Private Equity lawyers, and Neil Pathak, head of Gilbert + Tobin Mergers and Acquisitions team in the Melbourne office, co-authored this article.


CANADIAN UPDATE – Governance Insights 2012

Executive Summary: In our annual review of the topics shaping governance today, we consider the ideas that will trend in boardrooms across Canada for months and years ahead.  The dominant theme is the shareholder.  Directors need look no farther than the events of 2012 to convince them that shareholders have the power to seize the … Continued

Editors’ Note:  This update was submitted by I. Berl Nadler, a partner at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP and a leading Canadian corporate lawyer who has been involved in numerous high-profile financing transactions and acquisitions worldwide on behalf of multinational corporate clients.



Executive Summary/Highlights: Global M&A volume in 2012 reached US$2.6 trillion, marking the third consecutive year of steady deal volume in the US$2.6 trillion per annum range. Uncertainty and other familiar constraints held back the M&A markets for the first three quarters of 2012, but deal volume surged in Q4 which, coupled with stabilizing markets, cash … Continued

Editors’ Note:  XBMA’s Review is published on a quarterly basis using consistent metrics and sources of data in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of trends and developments. We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving the Review or for interpreting the data.


CANADIAN UPDATE – Canadian Government Clarifies Policy on Foreign Investments by State-Owned Enterprises

Highlights: Revised guidelines for investments by foreign state-owned enterprises (SOEs) that are subject to a net benefit review under the Investment Canada Act (ICA) were contemporaneously announced with the approval of investments by CNOOC Limited, a Chinese SOE, to acquire Nexen Inc., and by Petronas, a Malaysian SOE, to acquire Progress Energy Resources Corp. The … Continued

Editor's Note: This update was submitted by I. Berl Nadler, a partner at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP and a leading Canadian corporate lawyer who has been involved in numerous high-profile financing transactions and acquisitions worldwide on behalf of multinational corporate clients.  The authors, John D. Bodrug, Charles Tingley, George N. Addy, Hillel W. Rosen and Mark C. Katz, are partners in Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP’s Competition and Foreign Investment Review practice.


GLOBAL UPDATE – China Surpasses the U.S. As Top Destination For Foreign Investment

Highlights: China overtook the U.S. as the world’s top destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) in the first half of 2012, receiving $59.1 billion in foreign direct investment versus $57.4 billion received by the U.S in the same period.  By comparison, in 2011, China attracted $116 billion while the U.S. attracted $227 billion in FDI. … Continued

Editors’ Note:   The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development released data in an October 23 report indicating that developing countries for the first time absorbed half of global FDI inflows due to the steep fall in flows to the United States and a moderate decline in flows to the EU, highlighting investors’ growing appetite for investments in faster growing developing economies.



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