M&A (General)

SOUTH AFRICAN UPDATE – New South African Companies Act Modernizes South African Corporate Law

Executive Summary/Highlights: South Africa and the global environment have changed dramatically since enactment ofSouth Africa’s old Companies Act of 1973. New corporate law concepts have been developed internationally, such as solvency and liquidity, new and higher standards of corporate governance, new standards of accountability, disclosure and transparency, combating of market manipulation, new ideas and approaches … Continued

Editors’ Note: Michael Katz is chairman and senior partner of Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs, with more than 40 years of prominence in takeovers and mergers and competition law, among other areas. He is a member of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable and, as one of South Africa’s leading corporate lawyers, played a role in drafting the new Companies Act. GivenSouth Africa’s growing position as the gateway for international cross-border transactions throughout Africa, the new Companies Act -- which modernizes South Africa’s corporate legal regime -- could have broad implications.


FRENCH UPDATE – LVMH’s Stake-Building in Hermès through Undisclosed Cash-Settled Derivatives Prompts French Parliament to Examine Disclosure Rules

Contributed by:  Olivier Diaz, Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier (Paris) [stextbox id=”custom”]Editors’ Note:  Olivier Diaz is the Managing Partner of Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier and a member of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable.  As one of France’s leading M&A lawyers, Mr. Diaz has extensive experience with the French disclosure requirements discussed below.  Mr. Diaz’s paper highlights a trend … Continued

U.S. UPDATE – Checklist for Successful Acquisitions in the U.S.

Executive Summary/Highlights: U.S.M&A volume over the last 12 months was just shy of US$1 trillion, including almost $200 billion of cross-border acquisitions in theU.S.by non-U.S. investors or acquirors. Despite some well-publicized examples of thwarted deals and fears of growing protectionism, theU.S.deal markets remain open to non-U.S. acquirors and investors.  The Obama Administration’s nascent plan to … Continued

Editors’ Note:  This submission updates a checklist co-authored by Messrs. Emmerich and Panovka, members of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable, with their partners at Wachtell Lipton, Scott K. Charles, David A. Katz, Ilene Knable Gotts, Andrew J. Nussbaum, Joshua R. Cammaker, Mark Gordon and Joshua M. Holmes.


CHINESE UPDATE – Variable Interest Entity (VIE) Structure for Foreign Investment in the PRC May Face Challenge

Executive Summary/Highlights: The VIE structure (i.e. reliance upon contractual arrangements to control a PRC operating company) has been a popular structure in the last decade for both foreign and Chinese investors alike. A number of recent cases involving companies using a VIE structure have exposed the inherent defects and potential legal and regulatory risks inherent … Continued

Editors’ Note:  Xu Ping is a partner at King & Wood and a member of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable. Ms. Xu heads King & Wood’s corporate practice and is a leading expert in representing international companies in their investments in China, with extensive experience in structuring foreign direct investment, M&A and technology transfer transactions.


INDIAN UPDATE – New Takeover Regime Provides Clarity for Indirect Acquisitions in India and Overhauls Old Regime

Executive Summary/Highlights: New regulations overhaul the Indian takeover regime, increase transparency, and represent a significant improvement. One of the key changes is the new principle-based treatment accorded to “indirect” acquisitions, where a substantial acquisition of shares, voting rights or control of a target company occurs indirectly through the acquisition of shares or control of an … Continued

Editors’ Note:  Cyril Shroff is the managing partner of Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A. Shroff & Co. and a member of XBMA’s Legal Roundtable.  Mr. Shroff is one of the deans of the Indian corporate bar and a leading authority on Indian M&A, with extensive experience handling many of the largest and most complex domestic and cross-border takeover, banking and project finance transactions in India.


GLOBAL STATISTICAL UPDATE – XBMA Quarterly Review for Third Quarter 2011

Executive Summary/Highlights: Global M&A volume in Q3 was relatively sluggish at US$507 billion, marking the second consecutive quarterly decline, but aggregate global volume for 2011 year-to-date is still 4% higher than volume for the first three quarters of 2010. Cross-border transactions have rebounded somewhat since 2009, with 36% of 2011 global M&A involving an acquirer … Continued

Editors’ Note:  XBMA’s Review is published on a quarterly basis using consistent metrics and sources of data in order to facilitate a clearer understanding of trends and developments.  We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving the Review or for interpreting the data.


CHINESE UPDATE – China Inc.’s Revamped Cross-Border Takeover Strategy Shows Signs of Success, Correcting the Mistakes of the First Wave of Chinese Foreign Acquisitions

How China Reset Its Global Acquisition Agenda, by Peter J. Williamson and Anand P. Raman Executive Summary/Highlights: The first wave of cross-border takeovers by Chinese companies, between 2000 and 2007, was unsuccessful because of a number of strategic and tactical mistakes, including pursuit of inexpensive deals and troubled companies that were difficult to turn around; … Continued

Editors’ Note:  Peter J. Williamson, one of the authors of this very interesting article, is Professor of International Management at Cambridge Judge Business School and a founding director of XBMA.  Professor Williamson is one of world’s the foremost experts on the internationalization of Chinese companies and their global impact, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and the implications for corporate strategy of globalization, among other areas, and also has extensive experience in prominent positions in the business world.  This article was published in the Harvard Business Review in April 2011.


SINGAPOREAN UPDATE – Methods, Trends and Developments in Singaporean M&A

Executive Summary/Highlights: As at June 2011, overall M&A activity in Singapore was up 40.8 per cent to US$23.3 billion, making it the busiest half-year opening since 2008. The rise has been driven by various factors, not least the amount of capital funds flowing into South-East Asia. Singapore recently liberalized its banking regulations to allows banks … Continued

Editors' Note: This paper was contributed by Rachel Eng, Managing Partner of WongPartnership and a member of XBMA's Legal Roundtable. It was authored by Andrew Ang, Deputy Head of WongPartnership's Corporate/Mergers & Acquisitions Practice and Elaine Chan, Joint Head of the firm’s Financial Services Regulatory Practice. Ms. Eng, Mr. Ang and Ms. Chan are leading experts in both domestic and cross-border M&A in Singapore and other jurisdictions in Southeast Asia.


UK UPDATE – Changes Adopted to UK Takeover Regime to Strengthen Position of UK Targets, Prompted by Kraft’s Successful Hostile Takeover of Cadbury

Executive summary: A revised edition of the UK Takeover Code took effect on 19 September 2011. The revisions were prompted by Kraft’s hostile takeover of Cadbury in 2010, which triggered debate about the weak position of UK target companies. The revised Code introduces rules to strengthen the target’s position, namely an enforced “put up or … Continued

Editors’ Note: Nigel Boardman is a partner at Slaughter and May and a founding director of XBMA.  As one of the leading M&A lawyers in the UK, Mr. Boardman’s perspective on the UK’s response to the Cadbury takeover is informed by broad experience in a range of significant solicited and unsolicited cross-border transactions over many years.  Mr. Boardman’s paper is the first in a series of posts that will focus on various jurisdictions’ reactions to foreign takeovers of important domestic companies.


Welcome to the XBMA Forum!

The XBMA Forum is sponsored by the International Institute for the Study of Cross-Border Investment and M&A (XBMA), a joint venture between the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University, the Stern School of Business at New York University, and Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge.   The XBMA Institute seeks to promote … Continued

Editor's Note: This site is under construction and will launch in the fall of 2011. To receive new posts by email, please subscribe to our newsletter. If you would like to post an item, please email it to editor@xbma.org for consideration.



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