M&A (General)

CANADIAN UPDATE – Canadian Foreign Investment Review Annual Report Confirms Shift in Emphasis Toward National Security Concerns

The official Annual Report under the Investment Canada Act (ICA) for the fiscal year 2018-19 was released at the end of 2019. This document sets out various statistics and other noteworthy developments during that time frame (i.e., April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019) relating to the two review processes under the ICA: the “net … Continued

Editors’ Note: This article was co-authored by Mark C. Katz, Charles Tingley and Anita Banicevic, partners at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP.



Executive Summary/Highlights Global M&A volume approached US$3.9 trillion in 2019, the third highest annual total in the last decade, despite increasing global economic and political headwinds. Strong economic growth, low interest rates, record amounts of private equity dry powder and the availability of corporate cash fueled global M&A in 2019. The boom was strongest in … Continued

Editors' Note: The XBMA Review is published on a quarterly basis in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of trends and developments. In order to facilitate meaningful comparisons, the XBMA Review has utilized generally consistent metrics and sources of data since inception. We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving the XBMA Review or for interpreting the data.


CHINESE UPDATE – Cross-Border M&A and Protectionism – A Review of Laws and Practice in China

Cross-Border M&A and Protectionism – A Review of Laws and Practice in China Daniel He, JunHe LLP 1. The New PRC Foreign Investment Law On March 15, 2019, the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC” or “China”) approved the PRC Foreign Investment Law (“FIL”) which will be implemented on January 1, … Continued

This article was authored by Mr. Daniel He, a partner at JunHe.  Mr. He has broad experience advising multinational companies in merger and acquisition projects, joint venture transactions, and strategic investment projects in various industries such as food & nutrition, auto parts, logistics, real property, and retail & distribution. Mr. He also serves as China counsel to a number of leading companies and non-government organizations in their general corporate and regulatory compliance matters throughout China.


Some Thoughts for Boards of Directors in 2020

Some Thoughts for Boards of Directors in 2020 By Martin Lipton, Steven A. Rosenblum, Karessa L. Cain, and Kathleen I. Tatum December 9, 2019 In hindsight, 2019 may come to be viewed as a watershed year in the evolution of corporate governance.  After years of growing alarm about endemic short-termism, the sustainability and competitiveness of … Continued

Editor’s Note: This article was co-authored by Martin Lipton, Steven A. Rosenblum, Karessa L. Cain and Kathleen I. Tatum of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz.


PERUVIAN UPDATE – New Peruvian Merger Control Legislation

The Peruvian Government has enacted a new mandatory and suspensory clearance regime, which will come into force next year. Previously, Peruvian legislation only imposed mandatory pre-notification and clearance requirements for vertical or horizontal concentrations occurring in the fields of electricity generation, transmission or distribution.[1] Summary Breakdown Scope. The new merger control regime will apply to … Continued

Editors’ Note:  This article was authored by Carlos A. Patrón and David Kuroiwa H. of Payet Rey Cauvi Pérez Abogados, one of Peru’s leading firms with significant experience in foreign investment in Peru. 


GLOBAL STATISTICAL UPDATE – XBMA Quarterly Review for Third Quarter 2019

Executive Summary/Highlights: In Q3 2019, global M&A volume was US$784 billion, reaching US$2.8 trillion for the year to date.  Global M&A volume could, based on the current pace, exceed US$3.5 trillion in annual volume in 2019 for the fifth time in the last decade.  But there are signs of a slow-down. U.S. M&A volume, the … Continued

Editors’ Note: The XBMA Review is published on a quarterly basis in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of trends and developments. In order to facilitate meaningful comparisons, the XBMA Review has utilized generally consistent metrics and sources of data since inception. We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving the XBMA Review or for interpreting the data.


AUSTRIA UPDATE – Implementation of Shareholders’ Rights Directive: Action Points for Boards of Austrian Listed Companies

Amendment laws implementing the Shareholders’ Rights Directive: Action Points for Boards of Austrian listed companies On 23 July 2019, amendments of the Stock Corporation Act and Stock Exchange Act implementing the Shareholder Rights Directive II (2017/828) entered into force. Directive 2017/628/EU to encourage long-term shareholder engagement was implemented with the aim to minimize the administrative … Continued

Editor’s Note: Christian Herbst advises clients on corporate M&A, takeovers, arbitration, corporate finance and on a wide variety of other domestic and cross-border transactions. 


GLOBAL STATISTICAL UPDATE – XBMA Quarterly Review for Second Quarter 2019

Executive Summary/Highlights: In Q2 2019, global M&A volume reached US$1 trillion for the quarter and surpassed US$2 trillion for the year to date. Global M&A volume in 2019 is on pace to reach the US$4 trillion mark for the second consecutive year and only the third time in the last decade. The significant global deal … Continued

Editors’ Note: The XBMA Review is published on a quarterly basis in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of trends and developments. In order to facilitate meaningful comparisons, the XBMA Review has utilized generally consistent metrics and sources of data since inception. We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving the XBMA Review or for interpreting the data.


GLOBAL UPDATE – Cross-Border M&A Guide

Cross-Border M&A Guide Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz recently published the inaugural edition of their Cross-Border M&A Guide, which is available here. This new Cross-Border M&A Guide covers the key U.S. legal considerations not only for acquisitions of U.S. companies by non-U.S. companies (or “inbound” M&A transactions), but also for acquisitions of non-U.S. companies, including … Continued

Editor's Note: This submission was contributed by Adam O. Emmerich, Robin Panovka, Raaj S. Narayan and Matthew T. Carpenter.


DUTCH UPDATE – Bill implementing the Shareholders’ Rights Directive: what it means for Dutch listed companies

Bill implementing the Shareholders’ Rights Directive: what it means for Dutch listed companies On 2 April 2019, the bill implementing the revised Shareholder Rights Directive was adopted by the Lower House of Parliament. The bill was amended to take into account a number of modifications to the initial draft. The implementation of Directive 2017/628/EU to … Continued

Editor’s Note: Leo Groothuis advises clients on public M&A and on a wide variety of other domestic and cross-border transactions, as well as take-over defenses and shareholder activism. Geert Raaijmakers specializes in corporate governance, corporate structuring and joint ventures and on pension fund governance.  Paul van der Bijl specializes in IPOs, follow-on offerings, public M&A, anti-takeover defenses, corporate governance and complex cross-border transactions. Maarten Buma specializes in corporate law.



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